Brake Adjustment and Inspection

For professional brake adjustment and inspection service in Des Moines contact Premier Automotive Service Center. The condition of your car brakes is a very serious thing which should never go overlooked, neglected or ignored. Full automobile maintenance is always encouraged in order to keep your vehicle in full, safe, operating order, however if you only want to focus on one part, let it be your brakes. They require inspection at least once a year to ensure they remain strong and reliable. Stay safe by keeping your brakes well maintained. Don't take chances with your life or the lives of your loved ones, and have your brakes inspected and adjusted at an affordable rate by our certified automotive specialists.
Deteriorating brakes are not safe brakes. You need to be able to drive with the confidence that, regardless of road conditions, your vehicle will slow and stop when you need it to. Signs of having your brakes being in less than prime condition include noticing that it takes more time and distance to bring your vehicle to a full stop. Properly adjusted brakes make driving at high speeds on highways much more, unnecessarily, risky. Avoid the strong potential of dangerous wrecks by scheduling a brake adjustment today. It can save you on hospital bills and replacing a totaled vehicle.
When To Check Your Brakes
The best time to have your brakes checked is during regular maintenance inspections or oil changes. Having a licensed mechanic assess the state of your brakes and the wear of your brake pads canphoto of brake pedals, brake adjustment, brake inspection mean all the difference. If you are noticing any of the following signs within your vehicle, call our automobile repair experts:
- If your brakes are squealing
- If you have to pump your brake pedal to bring your car to a full stop
- If your car is drifting while braked
- If you find that you have to have your brake pedal to the floor in order for it to slow
- If your vehicle shakes or vibrates while you press on the brake
As a responsible motorist you know to change your oil and check your tires regularly, but you need to include brake inspection and adjustment to that short list of basic care. At Premier Automotive Service Center we are proud to provide brake adjustment and inspection service in Des Moines. Our professional auto repair specialists are prepared to assist you today.